
Maxine helped organize education to help pass  California Senate Bill 233 https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB233, a historic statewide bill that created immunity from prostitution arrest when reporting serious crimes and when carrying condoms.

Maxine spearheaded the campaign that repealed California Victim Compensation Fund’s discriminatory regulation that banned sex workers who have been sexually assaulted from accessing the fund. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/12/21881431- california-prostitutes-win-right-to-victim-compensation.

Maxine’s group Community United for Safety and Protection (CUSP) got several significant laws passed in 2017. Sex workers and sex trafficking victims in Alaska can now report when we’re victims or witnesses of violent crime without the threat of being charged with prostitution and cannot be charged with sex trafficking ourselves. Alaska House Bill 112 and companion bill Senate Bill 73 were proposed laws that would have made it felony for police to have sex with victims while investigating prostitution or sex trafficking and are waiting for new sponsorship.

The Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research Project was founded in 2010. It is one of America’s few 501 (C) 3 for erotic service providers and our larger community. The ESPLER Project was the state registered opposition to California state ‘anti trafficking’ ballot measure California Proposition 35 in 2012. 

Maxine qualified Proposition K, a San Francisco in 2008 ballot initiative that would have stop the enforcement of the prostitution laws and bring equal protection to sex workers. www.espu-ca.org/initiative.html